Futurist Trendcast

Dear Lada,

I would love to apply for a full scholarship of the ESW6 (Putin Enigma). I have lived and worked in South Africa (SA) for 30 years, and currently live in Namibia (my birth country), where I have lived for about 30 years. Our currency is pegged to the SA currency (a remnant of the “apartheid” era, during which Namibia was part of SA). With SA self-destructing, our currencies are becoming more worthless by the day, making the purchase of your webinar unaffordable.

I love southern Africa passionately. It breaks my heart seeing it collapse in the wake of brilliant people not getting the “ascension” memo. That is where my activism is focused.

We have to become accustomed to working together, no matter how the media messaging attempts divide franchises and clear-cut polarization. It matters upon what your heart is fixed. It matters where your consciousness chooses to…

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