Futurist Trendcast

I enjoy periodically scouting the globe — virtually or in person, as the time and my fancy permit — to find out if various geo locations might be interesting and/or desirable for a global relocation, or simply just for a relaxing vacation. I’ve mentioned previously in EARTH SHIFT REPORT 17: Quality of Life Worldwide: Lada Ray Geo Calibrations and Interpretations that many people at this time of the EARTH SHIFT will be considering relocating to another city, country or continent. Therefore, once in a while, if a geo location intrigues me in some way, I’ll be posting an article about it here, on FT.

In no way such posts should be considered a promo or endorsement. Everyone must make their own decisions on relocation.

For those who are in need of a personalized advice, including Quantum and Geo Calibrations, coupled with my usual predictions, forecasts and global experience, I am…

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