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45 minutes ago

The battle between good and evil is at its peak!

They infect where we are most vulnerable, or where we have allowed the low vibrations to settle within us!
Now that the veils between dimensions have thinned to the very minimum, the penetration into our realm of various dark energies and dark entities has become especially wide-spread. This has to do with the Great Earth Shift and the possibility for humanity to ascend to 4D and 5D consciousness. In such times the spiritual tests grow exponentially!
Another component is current all-encompassing planetary release of karma, both personal and ancestral.
To accelerate the new paradigm, currently, very few select teachers have been given the right tools to help those who are ready to transcend, purify and get whole again!
If you are reading this, you are one of them!


Hello dear friends,

Following the very successful

Workshop 5 Demonics & How to Spot them! The Veil & the Dark Energy

I want to tell you about my new advanced consultations!




offered worldwide via Lada Ray’s private video conferencing
all personal consultations include a complimentary recording



After one session, which removed an extremely tenacious and crafty demon, who was infesting up to four chakras, causing confusion, sorrow and uncertainty, and preventing joy and success in client’s life! Still more work to be done…

“Hi Lada,
So much has happened since our last session! I am feeling more joy and positive things are manifesting.
I got offered a very lucrative job out of nowhere, and they didn’t even want to interview me!
I am really looking forward to continuing the
bio-energy field purification and entity expulsion sessions, as it made an immediate positive impact on my life. I’m sure it will also eventually help with the physical pain I am experiencing.”

~ Anthony


Client was feeling stuck, unable to move, being in desperate need of change. After 4 sessions:

“I jumped at the opportunity to be one of the first clients to experience Lada Ray’s new Bio-Energy Field Purification and demonic entity expulsion Consultations. The changes I am already feeling in my life are hard to imagine. I am finally moving. Getting better physically. I see things so much more clearly. All thanks to Lada’s work. She is a gift to humanity.”

~Elaine P


What is


New & very advanced multidimensional galactic technologies!
Pricing is different from other consultations, due to very high energy expenditure on Lada Ray’s part!
Only a few of these sessions available each month!

New cosmic technology and procedures, previously unavailable to mankind, due to low consciousness!
Currently given to very few teachers, in order to expedite the ascension of humanity!

Demonic entity infestation and cosmic parasite expulsion
Alien implant and Ancestral or karmic plug-in elimination
Healing & purification of the bio-energy field

With Lada Ray trademarks:
Full Psychic View and Astral Diagnostics; Chakras’ scan; Quantum Calibrations; higher-dimensional wisdom and hand-holding


NEW higher-dimensional technology, given to Lada Ray recently by the Universe!
Very profound and incredibly healing consultations, which will free you from untold blocks, vices and problems,
and unlock the success, health, wealth, vitality and many gifts that you could only dream of!


  • Diagnostics of the entity presence, numbers and types
  • Before and after Quantum Calibrations
  • Psychic View of the client’s astral field
  • Client instructions
  • Proprietary meditations and affirmations to prepare for the procedure
  • Protection technology
  • and much more!



Also see



View a real client’s consultation as part of Workshop 5 Demonics & How to Spot them! The Veil & the Dark Energy!

Several more latest additions to Demonics Workshop are coming in the next weeks! Please stay tuned and check your page again!