

I’ve been nominated for One Lovely Blog Award by a wonderful woman, Sylvia W. McGrath. Dear Sylvia, thank you for thinking of me. It truly is an honor. You have a lovely, lovely blog and your flower banner is magnificent! I love flowers, can you tell?  :)

Here is the link to Sylvia’s post: http://sylviawmcgrath.wordpress.com/2012/05/27/one-lovely-blog-award/#comment-71
July 10, 2012 Update: It has been raining Lovely Blog Awards here! I just found out that I was also nominated for the same award by Johanna Pitcairn of the Manicheans. How cool is that! Thank you, thank you, Jonanna. Truly honored! Check out Johanna’s awesome New York City themed blog here!
The rules of acceptance for this award nomination are as follows:
  • Thank the person/people who nominated you and link back to them in your post
  • Share 7 things about yourself
  • Nominate 15 or so bloggers you admire
  • Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know

And here comes my “ACCEPTANCE SPEECH”

Ahem… Ahem… In line with the title, One Lovely Blog Award, these are some of the things in this world I love most:

  1. My husband and my family;
  2. Creating cool new stories and making them come alive on paper;
  3. As an internationally certified feng shui master practitioner I love helping people make their residences more harmonious and beautiful;
  4. Flowers, animals and nature;
  5. Really great movies and beautiful music;
  6. Photography;
  7. Travel and adventures big and small.

The lovely bloggers and wonderful people I choose to nominate are:

Madeline Walsh http://1earthnow.wordpress.com/

Darlene Foster http://darlenefoster.wordpress.com/

M.G. Edwards http://worldadventurers.wordpress.com

Erin Pike http://erinbradypike.com/

Jeff Whelan http://jeffwhelan.wordpress.com/

Pranjal Borthakur http://pranjalborthakur.wordpress.com/

Lesley Carter http://lesleycarter.wordpress.com

Thelma Cunningham http://thelmac.wordpress.com/

Donna Jones http://donnaljones.wordpress.com/

J. Thomas Ross http://jthomasross.wordpress.com/

Marilyn Dieckmann http://marilyndieckmann.wordpress.com/

Cari http://audacityshewrote.com/

Story Addict  http://addictivestory.wordpress.com/

Nicky Wells http://nickywellsklippert.wordpress.com/

Congratulations, winners!

Once more, many thanks to Sylvia McGrath! Please make sure you visit her lovely blog:  http://sylviawmcgrath.wordpress.com/